Tuesday 22 October 2013

Creating a simple application in Open Daylight Controller

In this post I am going to make a simple application in ODL. Main aim of this application will be just to say "I have started" at the time of loading and "Over and out", when it stops.
To program for ODL you need to know java language and Maven, OSGi. Dont panic if you don't know about the last two its fairly easy and I will go step-by-step on that.
When you start developing your folder structure should be as below;

ubuntu@ubuntu:userinfo$ ls
META-INF pom.xml src target 

Here src is where you will have code; target is where you will have binaries META-INF has information related to OSGi (Explained later). You need not to worry about it right now Maven will take care of it.

To understand about OSGi and create a simple java code click here
To understand and create a simple pom file in ODL click here

Once you have build successfully go to your target directory. you will find samples.userinfo-0.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar over there. Thats your bundle !

Now follow the steps at running a custom bundle and see your sample app running in controller.
If you have any queries feel free to post it :)

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