I have been playing around Open Daylight Controller from a while now. OD controller divides user in 6 types mainly
1. SYSTEMADMIN - This user is the GOD of OD. He has no restrictions.
2. NETWORKADMIN - It can do everything but setting a system admin user profile. Still he has lots of power.
3. NETWORKOPERATOR - It can only see what is configured anywhere;
4. CONTAINERUSER - container context user
I am yet to figure out what user level 4 and 5 can do. Please let me know if you figure it out :)
Definition of these are in UserLevel.java file.
SYSTEMADMIN(0, "System-Admin", "System Administrator"),
NETWORKADMIN(1, "Network-Admin", "Network Administrator"),
NETWORKOPERATOR(2, "Network-Operator", "Network Operator"),
CONTAINERUSER(4, "Container-User", "Container User"),
APPUSER(5, "App-User", "Application User"),
NOUSER(255, "Not Authorized", "Not Authorized");
1. SYSTEMADMIN - This user is the GOD of OD. He has no restrictions.
2. NETWORKADMIN - It can do everything but setting a system admin user profile. Still he has lots of power.
3. NETWORKOPERATOR - It can only see what is configured anywhere;
4. CONTAINERUSER - container context user
5. APPUSER - application context user
6. NOUSER - Get out ! He is not authorized.I am yet to figure out what user level 4 and 5 can do. Please let me know if you figure it out :)
Definition of these are in UserLevel.java file.
SYSTEMADMIN(0, "System-Admin", "System Administrator"),
NETWORKADMIN(1, "Network-Admin", "Network Administrator"),
NETWORKOPERATOR(2, "Network-Operator", "Network Operator"),
CONTAINERUSER(4, "Container-User", "Container User"),
APPUSER(5, "App-User", "Application User"),
NOUSER(255, "Not Authorized", "Not Authorized");
Next I will show how to set up an AAA server for OD controller.
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